Friday, July 19, 2013

Action Research

Action research is a proactive way to gather data, theories, and knowledge that are generated form the realities of the practitioner.  Action research includes the practitioner to be a part of the research project, instead of a person who knows nothing about what goes on at the school or the classroom and just writing through traditional educational research.  This action research makes the project more personal due to the practitioner using their own ideals and conflicts.  This type of research gives an in depth look at studies inside of the classroom and/or school and helps the teacher use the data for change and assistance in improving student learning.  Action research helps the practitioner or reader better understand what works for them and to make the changes they see fit or gain the training to help them improve themselves and/or learning.  This allows the investigator to utilize a solution to any problem they are faced with.  I will be able to practice the action research process during my project on technology; it includes the problem that our school needs to address with technology and incorporating technology in the classroom.  I can use the data to make an action research plan and help in assessing the areas that need change and the change I need to make within myself to help students learning increase from the current level.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you--it does take a lot to be an administrator. You have to be a handle many things all at one time. Wow! This is an understatement. I found last week assignment to be beneficial for understanding more what action research is and how administrators can use action research for their daily jobs. The videos helped out a lot! My original site supervisor just resigned her position so I have asked my principal to be my site supervisor. I still have not locked down which topic to pursue for my action research project. I guess I along with my site supervisor will have to decide really soon.
