Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Action Research Plan Temp.

iStation is a test that measures early reading and vocabulary and some students do not score well because they have not been introduced to the program at an early stage or are not able to use the computer at home or do not own one. 

A review of the iStation scores for the beginning of the year (BOY) are average and below average as early childhood students begin school.  After the middle of the year testing (MOY) the scores are high and level are normal or above the early childhood level.  Then at the end of the year (EOY) they are terribly low for pre-kindergarten.  Sometimes the scores does not line up with our Pre-K Testing or assessments that are given orally. 

More intervention with technology, instead of oral instruction, is needed and for our teachers to not be afraid of technology and if they are not sure how to use particular technologies ask for help.  In addition, include how providing the proper training can promote teachers to learning what technologies could work best in their classrooms for achieving these goals and the responsibilities.
Action Planning Template
Goal: Adapting early education students to technology in the classroom; does this action help with early reading and/or improve iStation scores at this grade level.  Also, are the early childhood teachers’ integrating technology in their classroom during teaching and adapting creative ways use these technologies?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Inventory list of technologies given to Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
Marida Chaisson
August 2013 - September 2013
Inventory List – Teachers sign out equipment
Inventory list of the technologies given to Pre-Kindergarten Teachers at the beginning of the year.  Some have IPods in there possession, from Pre-K Grant.
Explain research inquiry to all that are involved.
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – October 2013
Schedule Team Meeting
Gather Pre-Teachers in usually year team meeting and provide them with information on my action research project. Explain ways this could help the grade level.
Survey Teachers about feelings on technology in classroom
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – December 2013
Survey Monkey
Create a survey for teachers to take and record results/Level of technology that will be used can be identified.
Review lesson plans of the EC Teachers
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – May 2014
Team Meetings
Classroom Visit
Review lesson plans to see what type of technology will be used for reinforcing phonological
awareness and vocabulary
Implement new way to place technology in classroom
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – March 2014
Team Meeting
Ideals that have worked, place in a critical circle time
Give ideals about center and programs they could use and to place on lesson plans.
Evaluate classroom/teachers using technologies during lessons
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – May 2014
Classroom Evaluation
Research ways to improve
Evaluate if children are engaged with technology and without.  Results.
Research Training for teachers lacking in technology
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – May 2014
Small Staff Meeting
Technology Day
Research training for teachers and cost to district – Provide for District Technology Day, Present on topic of technology that is used in our school.   
Create an Online Assessment/Six Week Assessment
Marida Chaisson
August 2013 – May 2014
Frogstreet Press
Provide an online assessment that records results and compare results to oral assessments.
Schedule and Evaluate  iStation BOY, MOY, and EOY
Marida Chaisson
September 2013 – May 2014
Computer lab times available
Log-in for students and passwords, properly working equipment and
Allow for enough time to work. Make sure that students know how to work mouse correctly and keyboard.
Pull iStation Reports once grade level has completed
Marida Chaisson
November 2013 – May 2014
iStation Website
Statewide data
Place in Excel Spreadsheet by classroom. Have statewide data to compare for the age group.
Review Interventions Log
Marida Chaisson
November -2013 – May 2014
Student Intervention log
Ask teachers to pull their intervention logs for iStation and computer time for students.  Record into word.
Interview Teachers for Reflection (Overview of Technologies use)
Marida Chaisson
May 2014 – June 2014
Individual Meeting
Review if technology aided in the child’s learning
Analyze and interpret data
Marida Chaisson
January 2014- July 2014
Prepare Spreadsheets
Prepare the years data to be reviewed
Provide results to Site Supervisor
Marida Chaisson
July 2014
Report Result of Action Research


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Forever Learning

It takes so much to be an administrator.  I so have a new found outlook about them, because until I started perusing my master’s I ready did not understand how much they do and have to figure out.  There are so many aspects to action research.  But I do have to comment on one of the interviews that we had to preview for our assignment.  Dr. Johnny Briseno, Principal of Rancho Isabella Elementary, Angleton ISD.  I just liked his interview because it was action research about the children.  Students’ identity comes before the data. (Briseno, 2013) Students fuel the data anyway so why not find out how the students learn, their weakness, strengths, etc. and share them with teachers if they have a student with similar problems.  Part of my answer for the question in the assignment was this:  Reflecting on Dr. Briseno, the children are placed before the numbers, because the children causes the numbers.  If something is affecting the student, they might not do well as they have before.  Taking the time to research the student as a whole and sharing with other teachers can help the student be successful because the teacher knows how to service that particular student.  Also, it opens the door for the teacher to evaluate themselves and the student, in their teaching style, and being a good action researcher.  They begin to dig deeper into the problem and begin to try to correct it.  

 What’s your thoughts on this????



Friday, July 19, 2013

Educational Leaders & Blogs

Educational leaders could use blogs to capture what is naturally produced in the school (Dana, 2009, pg. 87).  They could post anything from school achievements to solutions to problems, and even motivation for teachers and students.   Blogs help express thoughts and could start students to get excited about writing when they see their administrator posting.  Also, it could be a part of a writing assignment in class; children can reflect on their schools blog or introduced to blogging as a part of education.  Both journaling and blogging as a form of data collection can be powerful tools (Dana, 2009 p. 87). 


Dana, Nancy Fichtman, (2009), Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Corwin and American Association of School Administrators.

Action Research

Action research is a proactive way to gather data, theories, and knowledge that are generated form the realities of the practitioner.  Action research includes the practitioner to be a part of the research project, instead of a person who knows nothing about what goes on at the school or the classroom and just writing through traditional educational research.  This action research makes the project more personal due to the practitioner using their own ideals and conflicts.  This type of research gives an in depth look at studies inside of the classroom and/or school and helps the teacher use the data for change and assistance in improving student learning.  Action research helps the practitioner or reader better understand what works for them and to make the changes they see fit or gain the training to help them improve themselves and/or learning.  This allows the investigator to utilize a solution to any problem they are faced with.  I will be able to practice the action research process during my project on technology; it includes the problem that our school needs to address with technology and incorporating technology in the classroom.  I can use the data to make an action research plan and help in assessing the areas that need change and the change I need to make within myself to help students learning increase from the current level.


Hello, to everyone.